Hard Drive Recording Kit, Pre-release 1/27/92 Written by Dan Hollis Copyright (C) 1992 MicroImages Software Ok, I finally decided to send out a pre-release version of my Hard Drive recording program. I haven't done anything to it for the past few months, but with some prodding or new ideas I might. Note: Yes, the programs are only 1k in size!! Believe me, the files they create really make up for it!! They also only require about 64k of RAM to run. Ok, some instructions: What these two programs do is let you use your sampling cartridge and hard drive for recording sound. Using the programs is pretty simple. To record, double-click HDRECORD.PRG, and follow the prompts. No flashy oscilloscopes or spectrum analyzers here :^) Recording will stop when either ESC is pressed, or the drive runs out of space. To play, double-click HDPLAY.PRG, and sit back and enjoy. Output is through the ST-REPLAY output, not the monitor, BTW. Requirements: ST-REPLAY 4, a hard drive with plenty of free space. Limitations: You're welcome to try it on floppy, lemme know what happens ;^) Sampling speed is hard-wired at 20khz (for now). The filename for the sample is stuck at "sample.spl" (for now). For best results, stick these programs in their own folder and run them from there. Make sure you have plenty of free disk space! A 3 minute sample at 20khz will take 3,600,000 bytes! If you have a slow hard drive, it might be wise to optimize it, i.e. make all the files contiguous. I use Hard Drive Sentry to do this, it works well enough - but there are many such programs that do just as well. If your hard drive can't keep up, you will not notice any problems on recording, just on playback, where the music will sound like it's skipping around. Un-limitations: No longer is your maximum sample length limited by how much RAM you have, but rather by how much diskspace you have. This was the general idea, since I was getting pissed with sampling programs limiting the sample length to available RAM. My favorite songs just wouldn't fit into RAM. Steve Vai's "ballerina" is one example. They sure fit now!! :^) Technical notes: The technique used is "double buffering", i.e. while sampling takes place in one half of the memory buffer, the other half is being saved. Then, it switches over to the other half, and vice-versa. Luckily the Atari ST has DMA for hard drive I/O, which makes my work a LOT simpler =:^) STe's should be much better with this technique, I should even be able to write a multitasking version (i.e. Desk Accessory) which runs in the background. That is, assuming I had an STe. Also, stock STs are limited to a 20khz sample rate, this is due to the speed of the CPU. Higher speeds may be possible on processor accelerators (i.e. Adspeed and the SST) and the Atari TT, but I don't have any of these, so until I do, it won't go any higher. Before I continue any work on this program, I'd like to find out what kind of interest there is. I'd also like some suggestions. So, I can be reached at: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dan Hollis/P.O. Box 580448/Houston, TX 77258/U.S.A. InterNET: dhollis@bitsink.uucp or bitsink!dhollis@moe.rice.edu dhollis@nuchat.sccsi.com (As a last resort) ForemNET: Daniel Hollis @ 3 (Atari-OH!) 713-480-9310 Daniel Hollis @ 181 (Bitbucket ST) 713-729-7555 ----------------------------------------------------------------- "I'm not prejudiced, I hate everybody!"